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Current Account Overdraft

Current Account Overdraft


This is a revolving credit line linked to customer’s payroll account maintained with the bank. This facility allows an extension of credit to a current account holder when an account balance reaches zero. This allows withdrawing money below zero but within a pre-set limit.


  • Minimum overdraft limit of SSP 10,000 or USD equivalent
  • Maximum limit of up to SSP 1000,000 or USD equivalent for an unsecured facility. There is no maximum limit on a secured facility
  • Minimum banking period for overdraft eligibility – 1 year
  • An overdraft is renewable annually
  • The overdraft facility is available in SSP and USD.
  • Interest rate – The Bank Base Rate advised from time to time plus a margin of up to 10%.
  • Customer Eligibility;
    • Customers with minimum net salary/income of SSP 2000
    • Customer age – maximum 60 years old, subject to retirement age
    • Senior Civil Servants, senior management of private companies, Diplomats, Senior management of Embassies and NGOs that enjoy VIP status in the bank.
  • Qualification criteria;
    • Customer salary must be channelled through the bank
    • If salary is not channelled through the Bank, the overdraft must be secured


  • The customer is only charged interest on the amount drawn/utilized
  • Loan protection insurance is offered to cover your repayments in the unfortunate event of accidental death or accidental permanent disability
  • Pre-approved overdraft buffer with salaries/income channelled through the bank. The conditions being;
    • The facility will be offered to all customers who have banked with the bank for at least 3 months.
    • It will be offered through an application through the respective Relationship Manager.
    • Interest to be charged will be determined from time to time at Base Rate plus a margin of up to 10%.
    • The maximum limit shall be SSP 1000,000
    • Annual facility fee of SSP 1,000 on inception and thereafter on anniversary renewal date.

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