• Monday - Friday: 8:30 - 17:00 Saturday- 09:00 to 12:00
  • Horizon Bank | Kokora Road, Nimra Talata Juba, South Sudan
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Standby Letters Of Credit (SBLC)

Standby Letters Of Credit (SBLC)


• Whereas payments under regular Letters of Credit are triggered by the performance of the exporter under a specified trade contract SBLC’s are binding commitments given by the bank to support your trading activities and are a payable on specific conditions and not just simple demand.
• Upon your request as an importer, the Bank can provide this form of conditional undertaking on your behalf to the beneficiary.
• Should you fail to make settlement, we will make settlement on your behalf upon the presentation of specific documents by the beneficiary required under the credit terms.


  • Target Customer
    • Importers, Exporters.
  • Security
    • Tangible security –property/land or 100% cash margin in currency of transaction or 110% if the cash held is in weaker currency.
  • Charges:
    • As per the Tariff guide


Benefits to Customer

  • Available in all major currencies.
  • Credit enhancement
  • Provides a form of security to the trading partners
  • Mitigate Risk Form of Financing

Benefit to Bank

  • Grow Trade Assets as we provide funding
  • Negotiation Fees on facility and handling fee at each drawdown Interest income
  • Leverage on the Product for any additional cross sell opportunities e.g., FX, Cash etc.

For any inquiries call us on +211 920 961 800; All your banking needs